[ACT][EN][Auril]硅欲望/Silicon Lust v0.32b




12400f   16g   1650



  • Added one new scene
  • Added DLSS 3 with Frame Generation (frame generation is available for RTX4000-series only)
  • Many changes in the level design (added some places that we will visit in the future)
  • Many changes in the level logic in preparation for making the game less linear and seeing content based on player choices, instead of experiencing everything in a single walkthrough. (May cause old saves to stop working)
  • Jill’s face improved slightly
  • Changes in the light system
  • Added Hardware Ray Traycing option


In addition to being troubled by nosy neighbours, sex ravenous rabbits, butch police officers and vivid nightmares, Kira’s neighbourhood on Elk Street has now also been reported as the new hotspot for UFO sightings.
– Added two new scenes (Friday (day) and Thursday (night)) (details at the end of this text)
– Visual changes to levels: new grass, reflections on translucent surfaces, lighting
– Visual changes to characters: new eyes, new boob physics, new dick model (seen in one of the new scenes)
– Fixed multiple visual bugs, added new animations during dialogues
– Known bugs: some scenes have double sound; rain can continue after first night, and requires a save and load to stop.
Game comes with a save file included in the archive. How to use:
1. Find the file in “gamefolder/SaveGames/” (Gamefolder = here you unrar’ed the game)
2. Write in the folder navigation panel “%localappdata%\OST_Game\Saved\SaveGames” put Save10.sav there.
3. Start game and load slot 10
SPOILER: New scene 1: Kira returns home from Albert’s house after the file recovery operation. Find’s Justin’s hat. Returns it to the trailer.
New scene 2: Kira wakes up on Thursday night to a phone call. After hanging up, she exits the backyard door instead of going back to bed. (Both scenes can be run from game gallery if you use savefile

– Game can now be saved by interacting with the Walkman (cassette player) on Kira’s desk. Saves can be loaded from the menu anytime. Please report any bugs encountered when using the save feature. Thanks to Horsen for the assistance.
– Jiggle physics have been added for boobs and butts for all the female characters in all scenes.
– Game has been cut to multiple levels to improve performance.
– DLSS is on by default, it’s a technology that boosts fps by upscaling lower-resolution images to a higher resolution using deep learning. Requires RTX 2000 or 3000 series GPU.
– Added RTX Global Illumination (in addition to RTX Shadows and Reflections already in game.)(Shadows are now on by default if running the game on DX12, so the option is gone from the menu.)
– Groom hair system and tools enables the rendering of each individual strand of hair, which significantly improves visual fidelity of simulated hair in real time. And causes the hair to not glitch out when interacting with phallic object.
– Few changes to dialogue and added a transfer segment between Alice spotting Kira and the second school dream (go interact with Kira’s bed).

In this update, Kira wakes up from restless sleep on a Friday the 13th. She wants to review the night’s footage with Justin and finds out Jill has already made herself at home on Elk Street.
– Added two new scenes on Thursday – Friday
– Added support for ray tracing shadows, reflection and refraction (still in beta) (found in options menu)
– Many little changes on levels, fixed some bugs

– Minotaur Slave-scene completed
– Added two new scenes on Thursday (the most recent day)
– Added Chinese language option
– Multiple bugs fixed, thanks for reporting

Patch notes: In this update we’ll get to share Kira’s experience in the enhanced VR gaming scene, meet Justin’s most loyal friend, and get a taste of our own medicine from the neighbours.
– Justin’s dog’s model updated. The black, red eyed dog model was ditched due to it lacking features for animation.
– Added scene from “Minotaur Slave” the VR game. (Oculus not needed)
– Added scene featuring nosy neighbours
– Blackout segment should not be so overwhelmingly dark anymore
– Added UI for Kira’s phone
– Small changes multiple previous animations.

– Added two new scenes
– Updated school map
– Added missing sounds
– Fixes to model illumination in dark areas

Patch notes: In this update, we conclude Kira’s visit to her neighbors.
Thanks to Kira’s newly acquired skills with the video camera, we can now re-watch all her scenes in the gallery found on her computer. Additionally, there are improvements to the shower scene and fixes to camera focus and lighting to multiple scenes. French localisation is also updated.

– Update is continuing on the Justin path of the Day 3 choice.
– Lighting changed for better visibility in scenes, looking for feedback if the “light on cam” is still needed
– Volumetric clouds added
– Fixed the last of animations broken by the changes in the male model
– One extended scene added – Scene can be replayed by pressing Z.

– Added interior to Justin’s trailer
– Upgraded Justin’s and Albert’s bodies to more beefier ones
– Added new set of clothes for Kira
– “No” option is now available for Alice’s invitation on the morning of day 3.

Last time on Elk Street the busty nymphomaniac next door finally caught Kira spying on the forbidden pleasures between her and her brother. After the incident, Kira went to bed with a deep blush on her face, vowing never to indulge in voyeurism again, or at least to be more stealthy about it. Next noon, she is filled with dread as she is awakened by the doorbell.

– Added day three. It is triggered by observing the neighbours with the video camera.
– Added proper interior to the house next door.
– IMPORTANT: On day three Kira is supposed to wake up to the doorbell, but the sound is missing. First objective is to answer the door.
– On day three there is a choice – Pick “Yes” as the “No” alternative is not yet implemented.
Stay tuned for a little surprise coming before Christmas.

In this update Kira braves the attic, but will she find answers among the forgotten junk? Meanwhile the neighbours’ family feud takes an even stranger turn.
– Added peeking the neighbours scene on the morning
– Attic is accessible after the bunny-window scene
– Added interactable items on the attic, some with associated animations (neighbours, pool, cam)

– Kira vs. uninvited guests
– Peeking on the nerd continued
– VR gaming
Sex sounds are missing, will be added for the next update.

– Added new day and night lighting settings
– Men’s room scene has been enlarged
– Kira receives a second delivery
– Another visit from a nosy neighbour
– Things get frisky after dark in the house next door
– More strange events around the house


Initial release

  • 添加了一个新场景
  • 添加了具有帧生成的 DLSS 3(帧生成仅适用于 RTX4000 系列)
  • 关卡设计中的许多变化(增加了一些我们以后会去的地方)
  • 关卡逻辑进行了许多更改,以准备使游戏不那么线性,并根据玩家的选择查看内容,而不是在一次演练中体验所有内容。(可能导致旧存档停止工作)
  • 吉尔的脸色略有好转
  • 照明系统的变化
  • 添加了硬件光线托盘选项

v0.3b 不适用 v0.27b


– 添加了两个新场景(周五(白天)和周四(晚上))(本文末尾有详细信息) – 关卡的视觉变化:新草、半透明表面上的反射、照明
– 角色的视觉变化:新的眼睛、新的胸部物理、新的鸡巴模型(在其中一个新场景中看到)

– 修复了多个视觉错误,在对话
中添加了新的动画- 已知错误:某些场景有双重声音;第一天晚上后,降雨可能会继续,需要保存和加载才能停止。
1. 在“gamefolder/SaveGames/”中找到文件(Gamefolder = here you unrar’ed the game)
2.在文件夹导航面板中写入“%localappdata%\OST_Game\Saved\SaveGames”,将 Save10.sav 放在那里。
3. 启动游戏并加载插槽 10
剧透: 新场景 1:基拉在文件恢复操作后从阿尔伯特家回家。Find是贾斯汀的帽子。将其返回到预告片。
新场景 2:基拉在周四晚上醒来接到一个电话。挂断电话后,她离开了后院的门,而不是回到床上。(如果您使用保存文件

,则可以从游戏库运行这两个场景 – 现在可以通过与Kira桌子上的Walkman(盒式磁带播放器)交互来保存游戏。可以随时从菜单中加载存档。请报告使用保存功能时遇到的任何错误。感谢 Horsen 的帮助。
– 所有场景中所有女性角色的胸部和屁股都添加了抖动物理效果。
– 游戏被削减为多个级别以提高性能。
– DLSS 默认处于开启状态,它是一种通过使用深度学习将较低分辨率的图像放大到更高分辨率来提高 fps 的技术。需要 RTX 2000 或 3000 系列 GPU。
– 添加了 RTX 全局照明(除了游戏中已有的 RTX 阴影和反射之外。(如果在 DX12 上运行游戏,阴影现在默认打开,因此该选项从菜单中消失。
– 梳理头发系统和工具可以渲染每根头发,从而实时显着提高模拟头发的视觉保真度。并导致毛发在与物体互动时不会出现毛刺。
– 对话几乎没有变化,并在爱丽丝发现基拉和第二个学校梦想之间添加了一个转移片段(去与基拉的床互动)。

在这次更新中,基拉在 13 日星期五从不眠不休中醒来。她想和贾斯汀一起回顾当晚的录像,发现吉尔已经在麋鹿街安家了。
– 在周四至周五
添加了两个新场景 – 添加了对光线追踪阴影、反射和折射的支持(仍处于测试阶段)(可在选项菜单中找到) – 关卡上有很多小改动,修复了一些bug

– 牛头怪奴隶场景完成
– 在周四(最近一天)

添加了两个新场景 – 新增中文局域网guage 选项
– 修复了多个错误,感谢您报告

补丁说明: 在这次更新中,我们将分享 Kira 在增强的 VR 游戏场景中的经验,结识 Justin 最忠实的朋友,并从邻居那里品尝我们自己的药物。
– 贾斯汀的狗模型更新了。黑色、红眼的狗模型由于缺乏动画功能而被抛弃。
– 添加了VR游戏“牛头怪奴隶”的场景。(不需要 Oculus)
– 添加了以爱管闲事的邻居为特色的场景 – 停电部分不应该再如此黑暗了 – 添加了 Kira 手机
– 对之前的

v0.13 – 添加了两个新场景
– 更新了学校地图
– 添加了缺失的声音

– 修复了黑暗区域

的模型照明 v0.12
补丁说明: 在这次更新中,我们结束了基拉对邻居的访问。

– 第 3 天选择的 Justin 路径更新仍在继续。
– 更改了照明以获得更好的场景可见性,如果仍然需要
“凸轮上的光”,请寻找反馈 – 添加了体积云 – 修复了因男模
变化而中断的最后一个动画 – 添加了一个扩展场景 – 按 Z 可以重播场景。

v0.09 – 为贾斯汀的预告片添加了

– 将贾斯汀和阿尔伯特的身体升级为更强壮的身体
– 为基拉
添加了一套新衣服 – “否”选项现在可用于爱丽丝在第 3 天早上的邀请。


– 增加了第三天。它是通过用摄像机观察邻居来触发的。
– 为隔壁的房子增加了适当的内部装饰。
– 重要提示:在第三天,基拉应该被门铃吵醒,但声音不见了。第一个目标是回答门。
– 在第三天有一个选择 – 选择“是”,因为“否”选项尚未实施。

– 添加了早上
偷看邻居的场景 – 阁楼在兔子窗场景
之后可以进入 – 在阁楼上添加了可交互的物品,一些带有相关动画(邻居、游泳池、凸轮)

v0.04 – Kira vs. 不速之客
– 偷看书继续

– VR 游戏

v0.03b: – 添加了新的日夜照明设置
– 男士房间场景被放大 – 基拉收到第二次送货
– 另一个爱管闲事的邻居来访 – 隔壁

– 房子

周围有更多奇怪的事件 v0.02:







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