[RPG][ahyana]Exorcism Goddess/退魔女神 v7.0



我是《Jumble Jokers》和《Hounds of the Blade》等Battle Rape Games的粉丝,但对游戏机制感到不满意。



游戏的美术是用 Illusion 的 PlayHome 制作的。

有些元素的灵感来自《Jumble Jokers》、《Parasite in City》等游戏。



I’m a fan of battle rape games like Jumble Jokers and Hounds of the Blade but just felt unsatisfied with the game mechanics. So I made this game, just for fun. I’m not an artist nor a programmer. The arts of the game were produced using Illusion’s PlayHome. Some elements were inspired by Jumble Jokers, Parasite in City, and so on. Respect for these well-made games.


Ahyana 是一位狩猎恶魔的驱魔女神。



Ahyana 与它们搏斗,但渐渐沉溺于被它们强奸。





Story: Ahyana is a Goddess of Exorcism hunting demons. She traced an obscene demon into a world and settled down in that world to search for the demon. The obscene demon can control the creatures in that world and make them lust for mating. Ahyana fights them but gradually indulges in being raped by them. Then Belva, the priestess of Exorcism Goddess has come to save Ahyana. Obviously, the enemies Belva will face are much more dangerous than those she encountered before, because they are now so skillful at sex assaults, thanks to the abundant mating experience with Ahyana. So Belva may corrupt much faster…


  • 1. 游戏以战斗强奸为主。敌人试图强奸女神,而女神则试图在受到太多性攻击之前杀死敌人。攻击技能会消耗她的精神力。性高潮也会消耗她的精神力。
  • 2. 如果得不到满足,女神的性欲会长期累积。性欲积累得越多,她就越容易被敌人的淫荡攻击挑起性欲,对性侵犯的抵抗力也就越弱。手淫、性高潮和被绉可以缓解她的欲望。她也有月经周期,如果被猥亵过多或过于频繁地怀孕,月经周期可能会变得不正常。
  • 3. 经常被性侵犯会迫使女神获得淫荡的癖好,使她变得更加脆弱、淫荡和顺从。如果她经常被某种类型的敌人挑逗,就会更加沉溺于被这种类型的敌人强奸。敌人挑逗或强奸她的技巧也会越来越高超。
  • 4. 如果敌人的性技巧达到一定程度,它就能感知女神喜欢的交配姿势,并更频繁地使用这种姿势,让她更加顺从。即使在射精后,它也可能保持勃起状态。如果女神经常在被敌人强奸时达到完全顺从,她就可能会产生恋物癖,因为敌人的持续勃起会让她更加淫荡。
  • 5. 如果逃脱率高,敌人的强奸企图就会被逃脱。逃脱率取决于女神的状态、性欲、抵抗力、恋物癖和敌人的攻击性。如果她对敌人的性举动过于顺从,她甚至没有逃跑的选择。
  • 6.战斗-强奸场面随着女神的状态、顺从性和恋物癖的发展而有许多阶段/层次。
    • 她有 4 种状态:平静、兴奋、发情和放纵,并有不同的强奸场面。
    • 每种状态都有 3 个不同的强奸场景:顺从栏未满、完全顺从、敌人保持勃起时完全顺从。
    • 每个强奸场景都有 2 种交配姿势:面对面和从后面。
    • 女神对某种姿势的偏好可以通过在这种姿势下忍受强奸或在另一种姿势下反抗来训练。
  • 7. 战斗中的高潮次数越多,顺从度条会越快被填满。如果女神的高潮导致喷水,那就很危险了,因为喷水后她就无法动弹,会完全顺从,与此同时,敌人也会异常兴奋。


Game mechanics:

  • 1. The game is battle-rape focused. Enemies tries to rape the goddess while the goddess tries to kill the enemy before she gets too many sexual assaults. Attacking skills consumes her Mind Power. Orgasm also drains her Mind Power.
  • 2. The goddess’ sexual desire accumulates over time if not satisfied. The more libido accumulated, the more easily she will be turned on by enemies’ lewd attack, and less resistance she will have to the sexual assaults. Masturbation, orgasm, and being creampie can alleviate her desire. She also has menstrual cycle, which may become abnormal if being creampied too much or gets pregnant too frequently.
  • 3. Frequently being sexually assaulted will force the goddess to acquire lewd fetishes, making her more vulnerable, obscene and submissive. If she frequently gets turned on by a type of enemy, she will be more indulging in being raped by this enemy type. The enemy will also become more and more skillful at teasing or raping her.
  • 4. If the sex skill of an enemy reaches certain point, it can sense which mating pose is the goddess’ fetish pose and use that pose more frequently to make her more submissive. It may also keep erection even after cum. If the goddess frequently reached full submissiveness when being raped by an enemy, she may develop a fetish that makes her more lustful because of the enemy’s continuous erection.
  • 5. Enemies’ rape attempts can be escaped if the escaping rate is high. The escaping rate depends on the goddess’ states, sexual desire, resistance, fetishes, and the enemy’s aggressiveness. If she is too submissive to an enemy’s sexual move, she doesn’t even have an option to escape.
  • 6. The battle-rape scenes have many stages / layers with the progressing of goddess’ states, submissiveness and fetishes. She has 4 states: calm, arousal, in heat, and indulging, with different rape scenes. Each state has 3 different rape scenes: submissiveness bar is not full, fully submissive, and fully submissive when enemies keep erection. Each rape scene has 2 mating poses: face-to-face and from behind. The goddess’ preference to a certain pose can be trained by enduring being raped under this pose or resisting under the other pose.
  • 7. The more orgasms in a battle, the more quickly the submissiveness bar will be filled. It’s dangerous if the goddess’ orgasm leads to squirting because after squirting she can’t move and will be fully submissive, at the same time, the enemy will be extremely excited.

您需要使用 GPU 才能流畅地玩游戏。

图片分辨率很高,您可以在 42 英寸的显示器上欣赏。




英文版由 nope.spawn 翻译 非常感谢 nope.spawn!


You need a GPU to play the game smoothly. The pictures are high-resolution so that you can enjoy them on a 42-inch monitor. The game hasn’t been thoroughly tested and may have bugs. Report them if you find any.

English version was kindly translated by nope.spawn Thank you so much nope.spawn!



另外以后连带MTOOL汉化一起打包的兄弟,右键 .bat的批处理文件,将””内\Tool前的地址改成.即可






@chcp 65001
@cd /d “%~dp0”
“.\Tool\loaders\inject.exe” “%~dp0\Game.exe” “.\Tool\loaders\mzHook32.dll”
start “” “.\Tool\nw.exe” “.\Tool”





[RPG]英雄之路:念兔/Heroroad-Nimrod Rabbit Ver2.11[官中][1.72G]

2024-2-25 21:05:21



2024-2-25 21:05:23